How to acquire a user account in the Aristotle University (AUTh)

New institutional user account

The SMS you have received indicates the creation of your institutional user account for your new role at AUTh, like permanent staff, student, teaching staff, guest, or PhD candidate, and also contains your account’s username.

For every distinct role you hold within AUTh, you are allowed to own a separate institutional user account (username).

To establish a password for your account, please visit the following webpage:

Set a password for my account

After setting up your password you can start to use your university mailbox through the webpage:

Here you are going to receive notifications for your studies and other announcements coming from the university.

You may find information for other useful e-services on the webpage

If I already possess an active institutional account, is the new one necessary?

Absolutely, as each institutional account provides access to services linked to the associated role. For instance, if it pertains to postgraduate studies, it grants access to online services specifically connected to your study program. Similarly, if you’re a teacher, it facilitates access to online services related to your responsibilities. In case you already have an existing account, feel free to contact the AUTh IT User Service to explore the possibility of associating your current account with your new status.

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